Tim Berkness
Tim Berkness has been integrally involved in Republican politics since 1988. He manages fundraising direct mail programs, production, database development and data acquisition for clients of The Voyageur Company.
The Voyageur Company combines leading edge technology and proven results with the best customer service in the industry to ensure all projects are in mailboxes on time and on budget.
Based in Minnesota, Tim has provided comprehensive direct marketing programs for political, non-profit and corporate clients for more than 20 years.
Tim’s programs maximize revenue from the existing donor database while also implementing a cost effective and successful prospecting effort to acquire new donors. He has developed proprietary methods of ensuring mailing lists are of the highest quality in the industry.
Tim grew up in southwestern Minnesota and graduated from the University of Minnesota. He worked in Washington, D.C. for U.S. Senator Rudy Boschwitz, was the Field Director for the Republican Party of Minnesota and subsequently managed several winning legislative and congressional campaigns. In 1993, he co-founded a successful telecommunications company and formed his mail firm Pinnacle Direct in 1996.

Scott Cottington
Scott Cottington has been writing and utilizing fundraising mail since his first campaign in 1978.
He served as Deputy Finance Director at the National Republican Senatorial Committee, overseeing all direct mail fundraising efforts and instituting the NRSC’s telemarketing operation, possibly the first of its kind for a national political committee. He also developed the NRSC’s mid-level donor programs.
He was the Political Director at the National Republican Senatorial Committee for two cycles and Western Regional Field Director for the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). He managed Rudy Boschwitz’ successful 1984 reelection campaign. He has been a general consultant to dozens of Senate, House and gubernatorial campaigns.
Roll Call Magazine recognized him as “One of the money twenty two: consultants who matter”, calling him “a hidden gem operating from his home base in Minnesota.”
National Journal/Hotline has cited him for what they call “standout performance”.
He is a graduate of Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota with a BA in Economics and lives in Minnesota.

Renee Dabbs
Renee Dabbs is an experienced marketing and business professional whose political and corporate work blends a marketer’s instinct for strong message with a CEO’s discipline to execute fundraising mail that delivers strong results. She puts these skills to work for the clients of the Voyageur Company.
Renee previously served as senior producer and COO of a top tier Republican media firm in Florida. Her experience includes developing and organizing client timelines, budgets, and implementation strategies for complex campaigns and issue advocacy efforts.
Renee has worked on statewide and congressional campaigns as well as legislative issues and ballot initiatives. She also led strategic consulting, fundraising and event planning for corporate and political clients during the 2012, 2016, and 2024 Republican National Conventions.
Prior to entering campaign politics, Renee built a sixteen-year track record of success with Procter and Gamble, rising to a senior management position with oversight of a $220 million business and a multi-million dollar marketing budget. Renee is a graduate of the University of Florida—Go Gators. A native of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, she now resides in Tampa.